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Pt. 6: 9-10


Read #44 (118-119) and #45 (120-121) and answer the following questions.

  1. How does fear control us? How does this stand in contradiction to Jesus’s words in the Sermon on the Mount?
  2. How does freedom from fear cultivate a spirit of generosity and love?
  3. How does Paul’s words to the Philippians (2.3-4) create a path that is free from fear?


  1. Fear controls us by limiting our actions and thoughts, often making us prioritize safety over values such as faith and trust. This contradicts Jesus's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, where he encourages us to not worry about our lives and to trust in God's provision, highlighting a contrast between living in fear and living in faith.
  2. Freedom from fear allows us to focus on the well-being of others rather than being preoccupied with our own survival, fostering a spirit of generosity and love. This mindset shifts our priorities from self-preservation to the care and support of those around us, embodying the principles of selflessness and community.
  3. Paul's words to the Philippians encourage humility and looking out for the interests of others, which naturally dispels fear by shifting focus away from self-centered concerns. This guidance creates a path free from fear by fostering a community where individuals support each other, reducing the anxieties that come from isolation and selfishness.