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Pt. 9: 1-2


  1. In your experience, what has been your understanding of the “rock” in Matthew 7.24-26?
  2. What are the things that are part of the house that go unseen by others do you find value in?
  3. Why do you think that Jethani (and others) believe that many young people who are born/raised in Christian environments are falling away from the faith as they get older? To what extent do you think that youth ministry based on “fun activities” and not on strong orthodoxy and orthopraxy is a factor?


  1. My understanding of the "rock" in Matthew 7:24-26 is that it symbolizes a strong foundation, suggesting that living according to certain principles or beliefs provides stability and resilience in life's challenges.
  2. In the metaphor of a house, the unseen parts like the foundation and framing are critical, akin to personal integrity and private acts of kindness, which are invaluable though often unnoticed.
  3. Jethani might believe many young people fall away from faith due to a lack of deep engagement and meaningful connection with the core tenets of Christianity; a youth ministry focused more on entertainment than on substantive teachings and practices may fail to provide a robust foundation for enduring faith.