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Psalm 137 & By the Waters of Babylon Connection Paragraph

The two cities in Psalm 137 & By the Waters of Babylon both symbolize destruction, and an end goal. To give some context to Psalms 137, the Israelites have just been exiled by God from the holy city, Jerusalem. They gather around the river and lament about their destruction, saying "Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites, the day of Jerusalem’s fall, how they said, 'Tear it down! Tear it down! Down to its foundations!'" In By the Waters of Babylon, John sees "fire falling out of the sky and a mist that poisoned" - he witnesses the destruction of New York. It also symbolizes an end goal as the Israelites are trying to find a way back to Jerusalem, not just to have a home but also to reunite with God. John also plans to bring his village to New York, not just for the metal, but for the knowledge. In conclusion, the two cities in Psalm 137 and By the Waters of Babylon symbolize the same thing: destruction and an end goal.