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Pt. 8: 4-6


Read #58 (150-151), #59 (152-153), #60(154-155) and answer the following questions.

  1. Why are we so willing to look the other way at a celebrity’s (or anyone we look up to) character and solely focus on their performance or accomplishments? What does this reveal about what our hearts value?
  2. How have we been guilty of pursuing fruit through means of self-improvement rather than pursuing Christ and seeing fruit produced by our nearness to God? Where in your life do you see the presence of “good” fruit? And where is there evidence of rotten fruit?
  3. What do you need to reorient in your life that will transform you from a “Christmas Tree Christian” (or other faith) into a genuine display of faith?


  1. We often focus on performance over character because achievements are visible and celebrated widely, reflecting a societal value on success and fame over personal integrity.
  2. In the pursuit of self-improvement, we might overlook spiritual growth, evidenced by moments of genuine satisfaction and positive impact (good fruit) versus feelings of inadequacy and stress (rotten fruit).
  3. To move beyond superficial displays of faith, we need to introspect and align our actions with our core values and beliefs, fostering a more authentic expression of our spirituality or moral compass.