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Evangelical Support for Israel Fueled by Apocalyptic Hopes


Read the article and answer the following questions.

How have you seen the "Church" respond to violence in Israel & Palestine?

What ethical dilemmas are present in how we think about the conflict? How does the Bible speak to them or not address them?

What compromises do we make with ourselves when making difficult decisions in life? How might faith be a catalyst or a deterrent to those decisions?


The Church's response to violence in Israel and Palestine varies widely, with some denominations supporting Israel due to biblical interpretations, while others emphasize human rights and criticize policies harmful to Palestinians.

Ethical dilemmas in the conflict include balancing historical and religious claims with modern human rights, and for Christians, reconciling biblical notions of Israel with teachings about peace and justice.

In making tough decisions, we often negotiate between our ideals and practical realities; faith can guide or complicate these choices, acting as either a motivator for positive action or a barrier to open-mindedness.