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For Loop

for (<init>, <predicate>, <update-expr>) { <body> }

Evaluation Procedure

  1. <init> is run once, only at the beginning
  2. <predicate> is evaluated, if false, the for loop execution stops
  3. <body> is executed
  4. <update-expr> is executed
  5. Repeat from Step 2


When the break keyword is evaluated, the loop exists immediately


A new frame is created during execution of the <body>


Uninitialized variables outside the scope of body can be initialized within the child frame (local scope), but do not effect the parent frame (global scope)

While Loops

while (<condition>) { <body> }

Evaluation Procedure

  1. <condition> is evaluated, if true, <body> is executed
  2. Repeat step 1

Do/While Loops

do { <body> } while (<condition>);

Evaluation Procedure

  1. <body> is executed, and <condition> is checked
  2. If <condition> is true, then repeat step 1