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Module 13 Lesson 2 Progress Check


Complete questions Lesson #2, 3, 4.


  1. Compare and contrast spontaneous generation and biogenesis.

    Spontaneous generation is the outdated theory that life can arise from non-living matter, while biogenesis is the currently accepted theory that life can only come from pre-existing life. The key difference is that spontaneous generation suggests life can spontaneously arise, while biogenesis asserts that life must come from other life.

  2. Discuss why prokaryotic cells probably appeared before eukaryotic cells.

    Prokaryotic cells likely appeared before eukaryotic cells because they are simpler in structure and function. The evolution from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells represents a significant increase in complexity, suggesting a chronological order in their appearance.

  3. Explain how genetic information and the formation of amino acids support evidence of common ancestry and diversity.

    Genetic information and the formation of amino acids support evidence of common ancestry and diversity by showing that all life shares a common genetic code. The diversity of life is explained by the variations and mutations in this genetic code over time.