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Pt. 7: 1-2


Read #48 (128-129), #49 (130-131) and #50 (132-133) and answer the following questions.

  1. Think of an example where you have acted like the Sanhedrin. How did you justify your sin as a way to appear self-righteous?
  2. What does it take for you to ask others for something that you need? What does it take for you to ask God for what you need?
  3. How does our view of God shape how we think of God’s desire to bless us? How do we implement pious habits and attitudes as a way of growth rather than as a tool of self-righteous behavior or manipulation?


  1. I once spread rumors about a classmate being unfair in a group project to cover up my own lack of contribution, thinking it would make me look better in comparison.
  2. I usually only ask for help when I'm desperate, because I don't want to bother others, and it's similar with God—I tend to try to manage on my own until things get really tough.
  3. Since I don't spend much time on religion, I often see God as someone who's there for big emergencies, not daily help, so I guess starting with small prayers or thanks could make me more aware of a positive presence without feeling like I'm just trying to act "holy" for the sake of appearances.