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Pt. 8: 7-9


  1. How are you being intentional in spending time and proximity with leaders you trust? How do we maintain hearts that are willing to listen, learn, and grow from spiritual leaders without being naïve and ignorant of “false teachers?”
  2. Answer the question Jethani poses on the bottom of p. 159. Why do I think I belong to Christ? Where have I put my confidence? How does your answer provide peace amongst the terrifying phrases found in this warning, including “I never knew you”, and “many”?
  3. No amount of praise or exaltation will do. Simply calling Jesus ‘Lord’ isn’t enough. What do you need to do to show the authority that Christ has in your life? How can you begin taking those steps today?


  1. Intentionality with trusted leaders means regularly engaging with their teachings and actively participating in communities they lead, while maintaining a discerning heart through education and prayer to avoid false teachings.
  2. I believe I belong to Christ because of a personal relationship and faith in His grace, which places my confidence in His love and sacrifice, offering peace amidst warnings by anchoring in genuine connection rather than mere lip service.
  3. To show Christ's authority in my life, I need to live out His teachings through acts of love, service, and obedience, starting with daily decisions to act kindly and pursue spiritual growth.