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7.5 Everyday Life During the War

  1. Identify Cause and Effect: Why did some northerners resist the draft? People resisted and resented the draft as it basically allowed for the rich to pay to avoid being drafted, which was inherently unfair. This unfortunately also lead to racial targeting.
  2. Summarize: Ideas of the Peace Democrats and explain how Lincoln dealt with this faction The Peace Democrats promoted violence against the Union, and Lincoln viewed them as a serios threat to the nation. In response, he habeas corpus, which protects a person from being held in jail without being charged with a specific crime.
  3. Draw Conclusions: Explain why the Union blockade was so damaging to the Confederate government It forced southerners were forced to depend almost entirely on their own, which made it difficult getting food to the market or to troops, as transportation was often blocked.
  4. Draw Inferences: What events and conditions caused resentment against the Confederate government and Jefferson Davis? The blockade and it’s effect, such as inflation, led to people disliking and blaming Jefferson Davis, which basically made it impossible for him to build unity. Georgia was even talking about seceding from the Confederacy.
  5. Cite Evidence: Describe the conditions for prisoners of war captured by the Confederate army. Cite evidence found in the text African Americans in Confederate camps were killed outright. Prisoners would also face disease and malnutrition, especially in the South as they had little to no food.
  6. Identify Cause and Effect: What factors contributed to the high death toll in the Civil War? New technology being used in the Civil War resulted in a massive amount of death. Additionally, life in the camp was also dangerous, as health standards were typically not maintained to the greatest level. Finally, there were terrible and insanitary prison camps
  7. Summarize: How did the Civil War contribute to the presence of women in the teaching and nursing professions? Women replaced men at work, as all the men had to fight the wars. Additionally, with all the people who were injured, this called for roles in the heath sector. As a result, women began to fill these fields.