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Lesson 14 Savaas

Analyze Images

These posters became very popular and the government successfully used them to encourage the purchase of war bonds, vital to the war effort. Why do you think these paintings had such an appeal to Americans?

The paintings appealed to Americans as they promoted and enforced the beliefs and values that many Americans believed in. This idea that people should be able to have freedom of speech, worship, want, and fear, were values that would encourage those to support the war effort (i.e war bonds, etc.)

What impact do you think these paintings had on the debate between the isolationists and the interventionists?

This would have appealed to the isolationists as it emphasized the importance of the typical American values - the posters would have highlighted the importance of standing up to oppression, however interventionists may have argued for American leadership in this case.

What do the Four Freedoms mean to you? Choose one of these freedoms and explain what it means to you today. Do you think it means the same thing today as it did when Roosevelt described them and Rockwell painted these pictures?

Freedom of speech would be something that would be important to me. Freedom of speech to me would be the ability/right to express opinions, even controversial ones. Freedom of speech would probably be the same, however the context of it’s use has become different as American society evolves.

Interactive Primary Sources

What does Roosevelt believe America’s role in the world should be? To resist aggression (Allies). He believed that America should fight for the four freedoms (speech, worship, want, and fear)

How does Roosevelt develop the concept of freedom over the course of his speech?

Roosevelt develops the concept of freedom over the course of his speech by explaining the four essential human freedoms. Freedom of speech is something he claims should be required for any democracy, religion and worship would also be the same. Freedom from want leads to a healthy peacetime, and finally freedom from fear does the same.

How do you think an isolationist would respond to Roosevelt’s speech?

An isolationist wouldn't agree with Roosevelt’s speech, as they would believe that they should avoid international drama. Because Roosevelt argues that America should intervene and support those facing aggression, they most likely wouldn’t have a lot of common ground.

Do you think Roosevelt highlighted the “Four Freedoms” during his 1941 State of the Union address to prepare the nation for war? Why or why not? Cite specific passages from his speech to support your answer. Yes. Roosevelt needed to convince the American people why they would want to join the war, and in order to win support he based his argument on this idea. For example, he explicitly says “In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms.” Roosevelt here eludes to the four essential freedoms (speech, worship, want, and fear)