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Personal Ranking

  1. Process of reasoned inquiry and rational discourse seeking common ground
  2. Conflict
  3. Battle with words
  4. Crazed Rhetoric
  5. Contest between two opposing forces to prove the other side is wrong

Class Ranking

  1. Process of reasoned inquiry and rational discourse seeking common ground
  2. Contest between two opposing forces to prove the other side is wrong
  3. Conflict
  4. Battle with words
  5. Crazed Rhetoric

Rogerian Argument

  • Having a full understanding of an opposition position is essential to responding
  • Persuasively and accommodating rather than alienating or antagonizing
  • Seeks conclusion that is satisfying for all, not destroying others

Classical Argument

Introduction: Draws the reader in; challenges them; establishes ethos

Narration: Provides factual information, background material, established why subject is a problem; level of detail depends on the audience, appeals to logos and pathos

Confirmation: Major part of the text, development or proof needed to make writer’s case; strongest appeal to logos

Refutation: Addresses the counterargument; largely appeals to logos

Conclusion: Appeals to paths, reminds audience of early ethos, final words, ideas, actions should be memorable


Arranging an argument so that it leads from particulars to universals using specific examples to draw a conclusion

Particulars → Universals to draw conclusions


Reach a conclusion by starting with a general principle or universal truth (major premise) and applying it to a specific case (minor premise)


A logical structure that uses the major + minor premises to reach a necessary conclusion



A conclusion whose merits we are seeking to establish

Support and Evidence

Assumption and Warrant

Links the claim to the evidence; like the minor premise in a syllogism


Further assurances or data without which the assumption lacks authority


Tempers the claim, makes it less absolute (usually, probably, in most cases, etc.)


Explains the terms and conditions necessitated by the qualifier. Will usually gift voice to objections/rebuttals


Because (SUPPORT), therefore (CLAIM), since (ASSUMPTION), on account of (QUALIFIER), unless RESERVATION