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2.3: Ocean Currents

  1. Occur near the of the ocean
  2. Surface Currents
    1. Reach depths of 100m
    2. Major Causes
      1. Continental Deflections: When a current meets a continent and gets deflected, shifting it's course
      2. Coriolis Effect: When a surface current is affected by the rotation of the earth
      3. Global Winds: When winds blow the current off it's original course
  3. Deep Currents
    1. Difference of density
      1. Density is affected by salinity
  4. Convection Currents
    1. Used to link surface currents to deep currents
    2. Transfers energy
      1. Surface currents heat up due to the sun
      2. Surface currents then lose energy and sinks to the deep current
  5. Upwelling
    1. When deep currents rise up, the current carries nutrient rich water