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AP Language Practice Synthesis Essay


Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on what role, if any, small talk should have in our every day lives.


Although at some times, small talk may seem an awkward interaction, boring, and downright pointless, it has always held the potential to make new people or even friends and increase your network. While talent and pure skill is valued and recognized by modern society, it is often can from connections that can have more enduring long term benefits. Therefore, despite its often-dismissed nature, small talk is a crucial social skill that should be actively cultivated and honed to enhance our daily interactions and relationships with others.

Within most workplaces, having effective collaboration skills is an aspect recruiters may keep an eye out for. "People hire people they want to work with, not necessarily who's perfect for the job. Engaging in small talk with your interviewer helps make a positive impression." (Source A). Even if you have the an exceptional skills and talent, if you aren’t able to collaborate effectively, those skills may never be utilized to their maximum potential. Small talk between colleagues and supervisors builds rapport and trust and creates a better working environment for everyone. “Rapport is the feeling that allows you to extend a deadline, or overlook smaller mistakes, because it makes it easy for you to remember we're only human. Right or wrong, building rapport through interaction with colleagues could be the thing that gets you the promotion or keeps you in the role you're in.” (Source A). Without small talk, we wouldn’t be able to connect as well with others. We’ll be compartmentalized, isolated, and shut out - feelings which don’t belong in any working environment.

One aspect of small talk which is often overlooked is the deepness of small talk. Small talk is typically thought of as, “Hey, how’s your day going?” or “The weathers looking kind of gloomy today.” However, "Surface-level small talk does not build relationships." (Source B). While the examples provided can often be used to initiate conversations, having the ability to be able to guide the conversations often is easier said than done and certainly rarer. What small talk should do, is to “establish, maintain or renew social relationships." (Source D). By leveraging small talk into developing any type of social relationship, it naturally allows for deeper conversation to organically occur. Additionally, small talk has been prove to “warm people up socially, oil the interpersonal wheels and gets talk started on a positive note.” Therefore, if a person is able to properly maintain and execute small talk, they can often times seem more approachable, more collaborative, and maybe even a resource to consult. Small talk is a powerful tool, which if used correctly, will undoubtingly play a major role within our lives.

In conclusion, small talk is an excellent skill to add to a person’s skillset and should not simply be overlooked. Small talk is able to increase your social network, demonstrate effective collaboration skills, and build rapport. However, it’s also important to note that there are different types of small talk, from superficial small talk or deep small talk. If used and executed correctly, it can have significant effects within the long term. Small talk is a crucial social skill and should be actively maintained and utilized to enhance interactions with other people.