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Ground Zero Mosque Speech

Rogerian Argument

Taking into account the sensitivity of the situation the mosque will bring the city closer together by building an interfaith community to help disassociate 9/11 to Islamic religion while honoring the freedom of religion



NYC is the greatest city in the world, greeting to listeners and introduces the settings


Background for culture of New York; context about 9/11


The government doesn’t have a right to deny religious freedom, no religion favoritism


First responders showed no favoritism toward certain religions when rescuing others, general rights and freedom for all should be protected


Value & Traditions endure; no one off limits to religions freedom



On that day, 300 people were killed because…


Of all our precious freedoms, the most important may be the freedom to worship as we wish


Major Premise

The government has no right whatsoever to deny the right of religious practice

Minor Premise

  • Strike down as a violation
  • Government denies private citizens the right to build a place of worship


  • The nation was founded on the principle that government must never choose between religions or favor one over another

Toulmin Model

Because the constitution gives the freedom of religion in America, therefore the Muslims should absolutely have the right to the Mosque since New York values the diversity of religion on account of the many first responders that gave their lives to protect this freedom on 9/11, unless they abuse the rights of religion and confirm the stereotypes since 9/11…