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5.6 Nationalism Influences Policies

  1. Analyze Interactions Among Individuals, Events, and Ideas: What events led to the “era of good feelings” The Democratic Republican Party had almost no opposition, Monroe winning the reelection, the Tariff of 1816. All of these events where to help industrialist and their workers.
  2. Draw Inferences: What was the goal of economic nationalism? Economic nationalism is used to keep more economic activity to happen within the country - domestically, rather than globally or internationally. By doing so, the local economies grow and rise, which ideally would lead to a self-sufficient nation as a whole.
  3. Explain Arguments: What were some of the arguments for and against establishing the second Bank of the United States? Use the graphic organizer below to organize your ideas

    For Against
    The freedom that came with private/state banks caused uncertainty with the value of money. Provided federal control over the nations money supply and banking practices Congressmen opposed the use of federal funds for internal improvements
  4. Vocabulary - Determine Meaning: What is the “boom-and-bust” cycle and how does it work? The “boom-and-bust” cycle is a cycle common to capitalism which ties closely to the law of demand. The boom phase is when there is high consumer demand, creating opportunities that business seize. However, once this demand is fulfilled, the “bust” occurs as there is often too little demand or high competition. This “bust” often results in closing of factories and firing of workers, leading to a weaker overall economy.

  5. Analyze Interactions Among Individuals, Events, and Ideas: How did feelings of nationalism influence foreign policy? American pressure and diplomacy lead to the purchase of Florida from Spain as well as British conflicts in Oregon. The Monroe Doctrine was also created to respond to threats by European powers.
  6. Determine Central Ideas: Summarize the main idea of the Monroe Doctrine. Explain why the United States instituted this policy The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy that was aimed to discourage European intervention in the west. It revealed America’s desire for power and became much more significant when the U.S sent armed forces into the Latin American colonies.
  7. Identify Cause and Effect: Example the causes and effects of Denmark Vesey’s planned uprising. The cause for Denmark Vesey’s uprising would be the Missouri debates, as it was a very controversial topic for new states joining the Union. The effect was that Vesey and 34 others were hung, causing southern politicians to insist on the northern opinion of slavery.
  8. Draw Conclusions: What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise? Did it reach its goal? The Missouri Comprised aimed to solve disputes over state admissions over slavery. There would be a established border across the continent, and states who joined would either become free states or slave states. This was good on the short term, however, it just exposed the division between the North and South.