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Pt. 6: 6-8


Read # 41 (112-113), #41 (114-115), and #42 (116-117) and answer the following questions.

  1. How do you see prayer as a symbol of who your allegiance truly is?
  2. How has humanity created an idol out of wealth? How can we be faithful with the wealth that God has entrusted us with without allowing it to control our sense of peace and security?
  3. By reshaping the way we define abundance, how might that influence how we think about our “need” for money?


  1. Prayer, even in the limited time I find for it, represents a moment of reflection and allegiance beyond the immediate demands of daily life, signifying a deeper connection to something greater than myself. It's a reminder of where my ultimate loyalties and values lie, beyond the pressing schedules and deadlines.
  2. Humanity often elevates wealth to a status of ultimate importance, chasing it as if it were the sole provider of happiness and security, which can distract from more meaningful pursuits and connections. To responsibly manage the wealth God entrusts us with, it's essential to prioritize generosity and stewardship, ensuring it serves others and doesn't become the center of our peace and security.
  3. Redefining abundance to include not just financial wealth but also relationships, experiences, and personal growth can shift our perspective on money from a necessity for happiness to a tool for facilitating a well-rounded life. This broader understanding of abundance helps lessen the perceived need for excessive wealth, focusing instead on what truly enriches our lives.