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Current Event 3

Topic of Article: COVID-19

Title of Article: CDC: Nearly Every American Can Drop Wearing Masks Indoors

CDC: Nearly Every American Can Drop Wearing Masks Indoors


This article would apply to most Americans living within the United States, especially those of us who live in a “low” or “medium” level at risk for severe COVID-19.


This stories main topic is to present that the risk for severe COVID-19 are way lower than the past.

  1. Less than 1% of Americans live in a county with a “high” COVID-19 severity level, according to the CDC
  2. 79% of the U.S live in “low” level, while 20% makes up the “medium” level.
  3. Coronavirus cases in the U.S. have been declining ever since the peak of 130K new infections in July, the average now is 44K
  4. Deaths have fallen slightly but are still more than 320 per day, down from 500 a day in August. This still nets in ~2.2K deaths a week, a number experts say is still too high


This article specifically pertains United States, but it could also apply to Europe and other countries as it still is a global virus


This article informs readers about the current state of COVID-19 within America. Though it says that most people don’t have to wear masks while indoors in public areas, it still is a virus that isElon Musk dissolves Twitter's board of directors going around and should not be taken lightly. However, it still is good news that COVID is declining, however this may change especially with holiday season coming up


Personally, I haven’t been wearing a mask indoors for a good amount of time, so this article just serves to inform me about my decision to not wear a mask indoors by providing valuable statistics from the CDC. I think it could be connected to things that we are learning in class with the industrial revolution, as it was a time where hygiene was going through radical changes.