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Module 26 Reproduction and Development Test v1

Multiple Choice

  1. Select the correct order of development:

    1. Blastocyst -> Zygote -> Morula -> Embryo
    2. Embryo -> Blastocyst -> Fetus -> Morula
    3. Morula - Blastocyst -> Embryo -> Fetus
    4. Zygote -> Embryo -> Morula -> Fetus
    5. Fetus -> Morula -> Blastocyst -> Embryo
  2. Which male reproductive structure is directly connected to and leads to the urethra?

    1. Vas deferens
    2. Testes
    3. Bladder
    4. Ureter
    5. Prostate gland
  3. What would happen if the Luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were abnormally low?

    1. The endometrium may not thicken.
    2. The follicle may not develop, and the egg will not mature.
    3. The mature egg may not be released from the follicle.
    4. The endometrium will start shedding.
    5. The corpus luteum will begin degenerating.
  4. Which of the following happens within the seven days after ovulation occurs? [Select 2 correct choices]

    1. LH and FSH levels increase.
    2. Endometrial begins to shed.
    3. The follicle becomes corpus luteum.
    4. Progesterone levels slowly increase.
    5. Estrogen levels increase and reach the highest level.
  5. The __ is the site of fertilization whereas the __ is the site of implantation.

    1. Ovary, Cervix
    2. Vagina, Fallopian tube
    3. Fallopian tube, Vagina
    4. Ovary, Uterus.
    5. Fallopian tube, Uterus
  6. In which prenatal diagnostic technology are cells removed by a catheter inserted through vagina and cervix?

    1. Ultrasound
    2. Laparoscopy
    3. Amniocentesis
    4. Myomectomy
    5. Chorionic villus sampling
  7. The produces semen as nutrient for sperm and the carries either urine for excretion or sperm during sexual ejaculation.

    1. Testes; Penis
    2. Seminal vesicles; Vas deferens
    3. Prostate gland; Ureter
    4. Seminal vesicles; Urethra
    5. Bladder; Prostate
  8. Which of the following statements are true if fertilization occurs and is followed by successful implantation? [Select all correct choices]

    1. The corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone.
    2. LH levels surge to ensure new follicle is not released.
    3. The placenta begins to form to supply nutrients for the blastocyst.
    4. FSH level decreases so that no new follicle is stimulated for growth.
    5. Endometrium begins to shed to start menstruation.
  9. What must occur before the expulsion stage of birth? [Select all correct choices]

    1. Detachment of the placenta
    2. Dilation of the cervix
    3. Cutting of the umbilical cord
    4. Tearing of the amniotic sac
    5. A cesarean procedure (C-section)
  10. Which of the following statements regarding embryonic and fetal development is false?

    1. The development of limbs and intestines begin during embryonic development.
    2. The heartbeat can be detected beginning in the third trimester.
    3. The embryo becomes a fetus at the end of 8 weeks after fertilization.
    4. There is growth of organs and organ systems in each trimester.
    5. Applying the procedure of amniocentesis during fetal development can be risky in harming the fetus