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Mansa Musa Hajj DBQ

Niani, January, 1324, Morning

The number of camels there were amazed me. I had only seen about 30 camels when I went to war as a soldier. Here, I was told there would be about 1,000 camels, and the camels would be carrying at the most 300 pounds of gold. Flies buzzed around my head as I tried to swat at them, and I nearly stepped in a pile of camel dung. Mansa Musa was making a hajj all the way to Mecca and I was going to be on it. It was going to be a long and hard journey, but the pay was good. Mansa Musa had been blessed by Allah with riches, and being very generous, he overpaid soldiers and servants. My friends, Ule, had come with me. Ule and I need to support our families back at Mali. I hope Ule or I wouldn't die on this harsh journey,

~ Wazi, Age 21

Walata, February, 1324, Morning

Finally, we reached the oasis town, Walata. My throat was parched from the desert heat and I felt like I could drink gallons of water after the 20 miserable days. After drinking the water given to us, I felt much better. After breakfast, it started raining. People were bustling around in this small town, Vendors were yelling their prices and items while customers were trying to get a good bargain. I had never been in a place this loud before and I wished I could be back on the hot desert, away from all the sounds.

~ Wazi, Age 21

Taghaza, March, 1324, Dusk

As I just set up my camp, I heard people discussing ways to go to Mecca. I was pretty sure that we could just go on around the top of the desert, but we were taking the long trade route. The town, Tagahaza, is literally made of salt, and that must mean these houses are worth a lot or they just have an abundance of salt. It literally salt-world. The people in this town were just like people in Walata, they were loud and wanted to trade. I think all this commotion is here because Mansa Musa is passing through the city.

~ Wazi, Age 21

Tuwat Oasis, April 1324, Evening

I talked to Ule about what he understood about Islam. And he told me he didn't know really anything and wasn't Muslim. After a while, we got bored and devised a plan about robbing some gold from the camel. Ule and I told slaves we were going to guard the gold. While we were at it, we helped ourselves to some gold. I took three bars of gold while Ule took five bars of gold. Ule and I ran back to camp and hid the gold. This was the first time I stole the gold from Mansa Musa. Other soldiers had done this too.

~ Wazi, Age 21

Cairo, July, 1324, Afternoon

Today I talked to Ule about robbing a camel. We thought we shouldn't because it would have been a bit risky. However, we did decide that when Mansa Musa threw the gold out to the crowds, we would just pick the bars of gold up around the crowd. We disguised ourselves, and all of us went into the crowds where Mansa Musa was throwing out his gold. We ran through crowds, making sure no one could recognize us, and after Mansa Musa went back to camp, we also headed back with sacks full of gold. I counted my stash and found nearly fifty bars of gold! My future was going to be flipped!

~ Wazi, Age 21

Niani, October, 1375, Evening

Right now, I am so rich. The price of gold increased a couple years after Mansa Musa's gold throwing. I am pleased to say that my parents are very happy with their lives at the moment, and I could pass the gold along for countless generations. I think I was very successful on the hajj, the money Mansa Musa paid me was way more than I expected, and with the gold bars, I was extremely rich. I think it was worth all the money, I'm sure all my thirst paid off in the end.

~ Wazi, Age 72