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"The Necklace" Theme Paragraph

In The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, the author proves that actions have consequences, as Mathilde's hard work eventually paid off. Mathilde has just lost the necklace, she needs to buy another necklace to replace her friends. She assumes that the necklace is worth forty thousand francs, which is the equivalent to around forty-five thousand dollars. They would have to save every suo, she had to give up the life she dreamed - " And, dressed like a commoner, she went to the fruiterer's, the grocer's, the butcher's, her basket on her arm, bargaining, insulted, fighting over every miserable sou." She had to realize that her dream wasn't possible - yet she worked as hard as possible to make it as best as it could. "At the end of ten years they had paid off everything, everything, at usurer's rates and with the accumulations of compound interest."After 10 years, she has achieved something that she wanted - she wanted to pay off the debt, after 10 years of dedicated hard work, she managed to pay it off. This shows that actions have consequences, as her hard work had paid off. If she didn't lose the necklace and had the same motivation to have a rich, I think she would've accomplished it. Actions will have consequences, Mathilde in The Necklace worked hard to pay off her debt - she finally managed to pay the debt off after 10 long years.