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The Spread of Islam

Do you know the worlds second largest religion in the world? Currently, it is Islam, and 24% of the globe believes in it. So, how did Islam spread so quickly? Islam spread quickly due to trade, good rules, laws, and conquest.

Trade in Mecca had a huge effect on the spread of Islam. Mecca, the holy city of Islam, was very prosperous in the sixth century. Spices, perfumes, precious metals, ivory, and silk were traded on long, camel trains. Mecca was also on a trade route. People from Yemen would pass through Mecca, and then to Syria. Through Syria, they would go east and to Iraq. "Headed north on the way from Yemen… to the markets of Syria, and headed east across the desert to Iraq." (Doc A) Religion was being transferred through trade.

The good rules of Islam affected the spread of Islam. Muslims are obliged to extend faith to unbelievers and to defend Islam from attack. The Qur'an also encourages people to become Muslims. "But the believers who do good works, both men and women, shall enter Paradise. They shall not suffer the least injustice. (4:124)" (Doc B) Islam encourages Muslims to spread the religion. According to the Qur'an, there will also be a reward for doing good works, to man and woman.

The laws of Islam were also important factors that affected the spread of Islam. The government wants to help those who have strayed off from religion. "To maintain the according to established principles and the consensus of the first generation of Muslims. If … some dubious person deviates from it, the Imam must clarify the proofs of religion to him, expound that which is correct, and apply to him the proper rules and penalties so that religion may be protected from injury and the community safeguarded from this error." (Doc E) The laws also include ideas such as the lawsuits. They wanted to settle disputes between contestants and justice may prevail. The laws affected the spread of Islam, pushing it forward.

Conquest took a major role in spreading the religion. Arabs have been raiding the neighbouring tribes, but Islam stopped it. The Muslim community said they were not permitted to attack each other. Then tribes started raiding other, non-muslim tribes, and gradually, Islam grew due to conquest. "For centuries … Arabs had [added to] their inadequate resources by means of ghazu [raids against other tribes], but Islam had put… The unity of the ummah would be preserved by an outward direction offensive [attack]." (Doc D)

Trade, good rules, laws, and conquest all pushed Islam out into the world. Trade spread religion, good rules encouraged the spread and being good for a reward in Paradise, laws were just, and conquest spread religious ideas.
