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Confederal vs. Federal

Vocabulary Clarification

Confederation: Alliances of states that agree to work together

Federation: Ac country formed by separate states that have given certain powers to a central government while keeping control over local matters

Federalism: When a government is divided between state and federal government

Confederate Systems of Government

State governments are more powerful than the national/central governments

Federal Government is the same as national government and central governments

Federal System of Governments

State governments have the same power as national and central governments

Articles of Confederation


  • Created weak central government
    • States have full control of their own militia, currency, etc.


  • Land Ordinance of 1785
    • Congress couldn’t tax, so they created this method of selling land to western settlers
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    • Established government methods for settlers in the northwest territory


  • Written 1777 (after the battle of Saratoga)
  • Ratified: 1781 (before Treaty of Paris 1783)




  • New national constitution
  • 3 parts of constitution
    • Preamble
    • 7 Articles
    • 27 Amendments

Separation of Power


  • Make laws
  • Levy taxes and coin money
  • Declare war
  • Must approval all execute appointments
  • Must approve all budgets and treaties
  • Can override President’s veto with 2/3 majority
  • Can impeach members of the judiciary


  • Enforce laws
  • Negotiate treaties
  • Can veto bills passed by the legislature


  • Interpret the constitution
  • Can declare laws unconstitutional
  • Can declare presidential acts unconstitutional
  • Can stop presidential action by issuing a injunction

Compromises of the Constitution


How will each state be represented fairly? (Big States v. Small States)

Virginia Plan: Bicameral, state representative based on population

New Jersey Plan: Each state would have equal number of reps


How will slaves be counted for representation and taxation (Northern States vs. Southern States)

Three-Fifths Compromise:

Each slave counts as 3/5 as a person in population, and cannot vote


Who will vote in the election of the President? (Popular election vs. representative election)

Electoral College: Indirect way of voting for president using state electors

Protection form Tyranny

How will the president be prevented from being a tyrant?

Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and Bill of Rights