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Unit 1 Writing Task


Write a short story about a fictional World War 3. Use all the vocab words in your short story.


The current president of the United States was Joe Biden. Russia had just exploded 3 of their nuclear bombs on U.S soil, diffusing the radioactive debris all over the country. In response, Joe Biden declared war on Russia. Little did the U.S know however, that the cumbersome nuclear bombs exploded because a brigand who altered the ignition for the bomb during transport. One of the bombs had a spurious license, which led to the detonation. The Vice President admonished the president to wait, because there was a possibility that it was an accident, but Joe Biden's anger was unbridled; he was an opinionated person. He declined, and continued down the path of World War III. Joe Biden commandeered the military to send their biggest nuclear bomb to Moscow, and at the same time the leader of Russia ordered their biggest nuclear bomb to be sent to Washington D.C. Both leaders were in a dilemma, were they to send the final order to fire? And efface humanity? Both of the leaders relinquished the thought, they both decided to cancel. After all, the amount of damage the bombs would do would be perennial. They decided that they would wait for the other country to send their nuclear bomb. The two world superpowers were at a deadlock. China however, decided that now would be the best time to jump in. They behaved in a very circumspect manner, and they faked the signal of an incoming nuclear attack to Russia. Russia launched their nuclear missile, and in response, so did the United States. The United States and Russia went instantly to lockdown, the White House had a nuclear room, meant to protect the president incase of a nuclear attack. The spasmodic mushroom cloud appeared. Russia's nuclear bomb could not breach into the nuclear room, but now the Earth was a radioactive muddle of dirt. This amount of radiation will predispose people with cancer within seconds. Nothing could be salvaged after this war.